Have you folks ever heard of rooftop gardening? There are a lot of people who love to garden, but they don't have a lot of room. Sometimes they live in apartments or condos and don't have much of a yard, if any. Many of these gardeners have turned their rooftops into flourishing planting areas.
It appears that my mom has created her own brand of rooftop gardening. I was walking up to her front door a few evenings ago and saw the funniest thing. A weed is growing in her gutter!

It might look like the top of a tree from behind the house, but I assure you, it's not! I will definitely try to get a better picture at a different angle so that you can see for yourself, but it's a weed in the gutter! I am trying to convince her to plant her herbs up there. Wouldn't that be funny to see! An herb garden growing along the eave of a house! So far she isn't taking to the idea.
She finds her gutter weed pretty embarrassing, so I am going to have to work quickly to get more pictures before she convinces my dad to climb up there and remove it!
I've actually heard of people attaching gutters to a fence, and planting strawberries in them. Wouldn't they be cute growing from the roof!
YES! But how would you harvest them? I like the idea of attaching the gutter to the fence though! I think I will share that with my mom!
I googled "rain gutter strawberries" and it seems quite a few do grow them that way! Take a look at the setup your mom might like at
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