I see that several of you have been feasting on your tomatoes for a while. Some other avid gardeners in my particular area are feeling the pains of a late growing season and are just now seeing the beginnings of tomatoes. I think I am just a little bit behind everyone as usual. Here is a picture of a little green patio tomato. I am quite excited about this little guy and have decided to name him Yummy.

I first noticed Yummy about two days ago. He still had crumpled yellow petals stuck to his rear end. He was very small, but he is growing steadily and I plan to put him in my tummy before too long. I have to decide on something special for Yummy, since he is the first tomato to show his face around here.

This is a beefsteak! Hr fist appeared today. I'm very excited about the beefsteaks because I am going to wait until they get big and huge and then I am going to fry them green!! This was my first motivator to get my garden started! I wanted fried green tomatoes, but if you want green tomatoes in the PNW then you have to grow them yourself. I can taste the bacon and fried green tomato sandwiches now... Mmmm!
Excellent news about my banana pepper. This plant was damaged in the 2010 Pitbull Garden Massacre. My dog, Chopper, had eaten off all of the blossoms, leaving only one misshapen banana pepper. I didn't think that anything was going to come of it, but I kept watering it and....

It's difficult to see because I took the picture with my cell phone, but there are little buds on there! Very exciting stuff going on in the garden these days, folks! Very exciting indeed!
I'm still waiting for my Tomatoes to turn red. It seems so late and taking forever! Yours look great, what kind are they
Those tomatoes will be yummy when they are eaten.
I have a patio tomato and 2 beefsteak tomatoes. They are getting bigger and bigger each day!!
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