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Exciting news in the garden today! I planted some pole beans in a small container a week or so ago and left them in my windowsill. I was disappointed when I didn't see any growth from them, but the package I bought last year said they were "guaranteed to grow". Finally, I noticed a little green lump poking out of the soil. At last, life! I'm excited to add these beans to my garden and also to my Summer menu!

There was also some great progress from my snow pea overnight. The flower has emerged and I now have a beautiful white blossom which I hope will one day turn into a snow pea! This is the first plant that my mom got for me this year, and the very first addition to my patio garden, so the plant is very special to me. It's doing so well that I am under the impression that they must be very easy to grow. Regardless, it makes my heart flutter to see it flourishing.

Progress on the patio tomato as well. One little flower! I'm so happy to see it. I hear that tomatoes are pretty good at self pollinating? Is that what I need to happen since I only have one patio tomato? I am assuming that my big beef tomatoes don't count because they aren't the same kind?

As you know; and if you didn't then you can now tell, I am new to gardening. A coworker asked me how I learned about gardening. "What's to know? You stick the thing in the dirt and it grows," was my answer. I'm not an expert gardener by any means, but I do intend to get there, and this season is the beginning of that!


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