Vampire Broccoli

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My broccoli hates the sun. The little tag that came with them cannot be trusted! Every time the sunlight hits them they start to wilt and droop. They get all saggy and that makes me sad all day. Fortunately they are in containers and so I am able to move them around. I scooted them all into the shade.

My mom suggested that perhaps they just needed to be hardened. She thought that maybe they were not used to being outside. This can't be true because they were outside when I got them. Even if they weren't left outside in the evening, which I am sure they were, they were definitely in the sun.

The broccoli was in the sun the day I bought them. I left them in the sun before I transplanted them. Now that they are in their containers, they hate the sun. I want to keep them happy, so I am letting them stay in the shade, but I am worried that they will never grow little yummy broccolis if they are left there.


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