I was in the garden with Captain and Caleb today and we all noticed something new. Ants. Big ones. They were crawling all over the tree that Captain usually perches in.
Caleb was so excited! We got him an ant farm as a gift last Easter. The original ants hadn't been in there very long before he emptied them in his room and they were vacuumed up. I am not sure if ants are beneficial or harmful in the garden, but what I am sure of is that this ant farm was $20.00 and it's going to get some use, gosh darn it!
So we collected the ants and stuck them in the freezer for about 10 seconds to calm them down. Then I dumped them into the ant farm and there you have it! Farmer ants from my garden. At least somebody is farmin' out there!
Nice! Ants for the ant farm!
He's very excited about it! Have you ever heard of ants being harmful to a garden though?
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