I've learned a lot this gardening season. The importance of pollinators and attracting them being near the top of the list. My original gardening plan wad to stick a plant in the ground and let nature take it's course. After reading so many gardening blogs about manually pollinating plants, I think I'm ready to change my game plan.
At the beginning of this gardening season I would pass by the flower section of the nursery. After all I wanted to eat my garden. Why would I waste my time, space, and money on flowers? Well, now I get it!
I left a strip of clover in my yard because I noticed a couple of honeybees. When I finally mowed them down, it was apparent that word had spread! There were dozens of honey bees swirling around my lawn mower! I was very pleased to see them and let an area of clover in my front yard alone so they would continue to come around.
I was lucky this year. Next year, I might be one of those that I have been reading about who are trying desperately to get their plants to mingle. So I have another thing to add to my lost of things that I will do differently next year.
Next year I going to also plant flowers to attract pollinators. But why stop there? Why not attract something pretty to look at - and many something without a stinger as well? I have decided that hummingbirds and butterflies are going to be my main focus as far as my flowers go next year. Hopefully I will still have the same hive of bees stopping by and the other pollinators will just be a bonus.
I have to admit that I did decide on the butterflies when I took s picture.

Lovely, isn't it? Caleb loved chasing it around the garden. Perhaps next year I will have a whole swarm of them!!
That is a great idea! What is prettier than blooms and butteflies.
Not to mention that my 2 1/2 year old son really wants to raise monarch butterflies from caterpillars!
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