New Baby and a Big Boy

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Exciting news, everyone! My sister-in-law has started having pretty regular contractions tonight. Right now they are about 4 minutes apart, but I hope that things pick up soon because I can't wait to have a new little niece! It seems like only yesterday that I was registering for my own baby things. I had such a fun time picking out everything for Caleb's nursery. From curtains to Crib Bedding, I had it all perfectly coordinated and all set up by the time he arrived... okay, about 24 hours before he arrived!

I'm been reminiscing a lot lately about Caleb when he was a newborn. He is still a little baby in so many ways. He is only 2 1/2, but sometimes he seems so big. It's hard to believe that 3 is just around the corner. Recently, Caleb gave up his pacifier, which he called his sucker. I told Caleb that I would give him anything in the whole world if he would just give up his sucker. I was just about to suggest a trip to the fair as a reward when he blurted out that he wanted "a party with a cake".

This weekend will mark 1 month that Caleb has not had his sucker. The weekend after is his "So Long, Sucker" party. Caleb has a lot of adoring fans that are coming to the party, and I don't have enough seating for everyone. My solution is to bring in some old wooden chairs from the garage and comfy them up with some kitchen chair pads. I also have a large hearth which I will put some pads on and it can be used as a bench.

Another thing that I am doing to commemorate Caleb being a big boy and giving up his sucker is redecorating his room. That's right, all the cute little baby blue crib sheets and pillow cases are going into storage. Time to make way for new big boy stuff. Even though Caleb is sleeping in a toddler bed, I have been buying twin sized sheets for him. I just tuck the excess underneath the mattress. I don't see a point in buying toddler bed sized sheets if the bed is going to be upgraded soon. I am going to get more twin sized bedding when I redo his room.

Instead of getting little boy bedding, like Disney characters, I decided to go with teen bedding. I figure something timeless like stripes or solid colors would work well. That way he can grow into it and it won't be dated or too "little kid" for him in a few years. At first I thought I would do his room in Disney Cars characters, then I thought about Star Wars. I realized that his tastes will probably change before too long and then I will be stuck redoing this room every few years. By keeping it timeless and going for an older look, I will be able to save money in the long run. I figure this bedding can last him until it's time for me to look for college dorm room bedding.

Nearly every time I look at Caleb, I marvel at how big he has gotten. It just seems like he is growing up way too fast. I know that once I lay eyes on my new little niece (hopefully tonight!), that it will really hit me - my little baby is a big boy after all.


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