Weeding: Sector Two

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Well I did a little more weeding today. I think the weeds from Sector One gave a heads up to the weeds in Sector Two because the weeds today were vengeful! They all seemed to sprout thorns overnight!

The last time that I weeded there were a few throng plants. It wasn't anything that my gardening gloves couldn't handle. I just grabbed onto them, ripped them out of the ground and tossed them aside. This time the thorns poked right through my gloves! Then they held on were they were! I had to pull dozens of tiny prickles out of the fabric of my gloves.

I did the rest of the weeding with a rag and a glove. That seems to have done the trick. Sector Two is a very small section of the yard, but it was definitely the worst! With these two areas done, over half of the work load is complete. There are 3 more areas that need weeding, but they aren't very bad so I think it will be pretty easy to tackle them! The end is in sight!!


meemsnyc said...

I did some weeding today too! I hate weeding! http://nycgardening.blogspot.com/2010/08/patch-even-strawberry-shortcake-would.html

Kimmi said...

Ugh, I feel your pain! But your strawberry patch looks great now!

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