Pasta Salad From My Garden

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Here is a dish that I am excited to make once I start harvesting my garden. Thinking about the fresh produce that I am going to have on hand has me excited to prepare new foods highlighting my vegetables.

Italian Inspired Pasta Salad

  • 1 (8 oz) package Angel Hair pasta

  • 2 chopped tomatoes fresh from my garden

  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

  • 1/2 cup Italian dressing

  1. Boil pasta 8 - 10 minutes, drain and place in service bowl

  2. Toss pasta with dressing and tomatoes, top with Parmesan cheese and serve

I don't know about you, but I think this sounds like it would be great served chilled and with some feta cheese. I think I will try it that way and let you know how it goes.

As I am looking into which recipes I plan to create, I get more ideas for new plants that I want to grow as well! My list of most wanted vegetables now include a jalapeno, zucchini, cucumber, and carrots. I also think I would benefit from some herbs as well, which previously I had not considered. Basil and cilantro are soon to come, I'm sure!


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